At a 100-square-meter booth located in Hall 4A of the modern NürnbergMesse complex, the Klima-Therm Group presented the latest air conditioning, ventilation and heating solutions from its own brands KAISAI and Klimor.
As a provider of energy-efficient thermal comfort systems, the company Klima-Therm – general distributor and brand owner of KAISAI, expands its offer by new solutions in the segment of renewable energy sources, whose action is based on obtaining, converting, and using natural and environmentally friendly energy resources. KAISAI photovoltaic modules are another, after air-water heat pumps and central ventilation and recuperation, range of products expanding the company’s portfolio in this segment and representing another stage in its development in the field of solutions used in low- and zero-energy buildings.
Photovoltaics, as a technology of converting solar radiation energy into electricity, is one of the most important sectors of RES, joining the global trend of emission-free production, use and storage of electricity and recovery of heat generated. Entering a new stage of its development, Klima-Therm fits in the implementation of the main objective of the energy transformation which is currently taking place, and which is one of the overriding directions of European Union activities, namely the protection of natural environment, including the improvement of air quality.
– We treat a responsible, pro-ecological approach to our business subject as one of our priorities. Devices offered by Klima-Therm Group respond to progressing legislative changes and the policy of the European Union, which assumes, among other things, electrification of heating, and cooling based on the growing share of RES. By 2040, the heating needs of all households are to be covered by system heat and by zero- or low-emission individual sources with a significant share of heat pumps and photovoltaic installations – comments Paweł Deska, Technical Director at KLIMA-THERM Group, and adds: – In Poland, the development of RES is fostered not only by legislative changes but also by the implemented financial support programs on a national and local level, technological progress which translates into a decrease in RES investment costs, and most of all by the change in social awareness in the area of implementation of pro-environmental actions and economic benefits resulting from green energy and the so-called clean heating.
A photovoltaic installation makes it possible to create a low- or zero-energy building. By producing its own electricity and storing it in the grid or in a home energy storage, the household is able to meet its needs for domestic hot water, powering household appliances, heating and ventilation. Converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic modules provides a stable and inexhaustible source of green energy, the production of which has a much smaller carbon footprint than using fossil fuels. In turn, the combination of two technologies using renewable energy sources, which are photovoltaics and heat pumps, allows to create the so-called passive house system, i.e., not drawing energy from the outside. In practice, the integration of these two solutions means that the user can reduce both heating and electricity costs to almost zero and become largely independent of external heat and electricity suppliers.
– As Klima-Therm Group we want to provide our customers with the most modern HVAC technologies based on renewable energy sources. The company is systematically realizing this goal by building a complementary offer of RES products, first focusing on intensifying sales of air-water heat pumps and mechanical ventilation devices with heat recovery. The second, ongoing stage of activity, is to expand the offer by photovoltaic modules, and – in the next stage – to create energy storage along with complementary areas, such as inverters for photovoltaic installation, valve sets, fan coils and hybrid batteries with inverter. We are convinced that these products will fit in perfectly with current trends, providing us with further scope for growth – concludes Wojciech Białas, Sales Director of the KAISAI brand.
KAISAI’s STPXXXS/350-370/360-380/435-455W monocrystalline photovoltaic modules feature a special cell design that allows for lower current, which significantly improves their efficiency, and reduces losses due to partial shading and cell wear, while increasing solar energy conversion capacity. KAISAI solar modules will be available by the end of April 2021 in the KAISAI sales network. All models offered come with a 25-year performance guarantee and full certification confirmed by an accredited independent VDE Institute.